Scouts competing in Cape to Rio Yacht Race

JML Rotary Scout is the official yacht of Scouts South Africa and has a crew of Scouts on board to compete in the Cape to Rio 2014 yacht race. Experienced yachtsman, Peter Bosch is the skipper and the crew is made up of the finest young scouts who have come through the Sea Scout program in various parts of South Africa.

The race started in beautiful conditions on Saturday 4 January. Table Bay was buzzing with spectator boats to view the spectacle as 36 racing yachts took the start of this great race.

The tranquil conditions of Saturday afternoon were unfortunately short lived as the fleet was hit by a heavy storm on Saturday night, the first night of the race! Reports from crews spoke of winds up to 60 knots and swells of 6 metres! The conditions have tested the endurance of all crews and boats, wreaking havoc across the fleet as many boats are limping home with damages. Sadly one crew member aboard the boat Bille has lost his life when their mast came down in the heavy storm.

Read the rest of the press release here