Rotary Scout outing
By Garth Kloppenborg
Dear All.
Three Troops had wonderful time on Saturday 16th April, each having their own time slots to go out and sail around the Bay on Rotary Scout. The weather was fine, clear skies, warm with a light breeze which faded in the later afternoon.
Thanks to Grant Chapman for flying up to Durban for the day to skipper the yacht around the Bay and giving the scouts and scouters an opportunity to experience sailing on Rotary Scout. I appreciated my conversations about the yacht and discussions in preparing the yacht for the Vasco da Gama.
I think Koco had the greatest thrill when asked to take the helm and steer the yacht around the bay. He had recently completed his day skippers licence. He was very proud and grateful for the opportunity to be the first KZN Scouter to steer the yacht around the harbour.
Special thanks to Rudy Fokkens, who was asked to help for the first time slot with 4th Durban, and stayed the whole day. This is the try scouting spirit and I personally appreciated his presents on board and leadership in instructing the 1st Port Scouts in their drills in hoisting and changing sails.
Bart please forward my appreciation to Rudy for his participation and willingness to give up his Saturday to help and assist Grant in the lunching and docking procedures.
1st Port, took up the last time slot of the day, departing at +- 13h40 after going through the safety drills and all scouts putting on their life jackets. With Grant at the helm we motored out of the moorings into the bay heading towards the coal bunker berths. Under motor set the genoa and then the main sail. Sailed under a light breeze to past the Naval Base, when about for our return trip and the wind dropped leaving us moving at about 3 knots. Time was now against us to ensure that Grant got to the airport in time for his 17h05 flight. We dropped the main sail and furled the genoa, made safe and motored back to the moorings.
Docking with enough time to secure the yacht, a and quick photo opportunity. The crew returned to their Troop HQ and joined up with their other Troop members and scouts from 52nd Durban. They finished off the afternoon with inter social activities.
Clinton and I then at a steady pace drive Grant to the airport with enough time to board his return flight home.
I wish to thank all for making Saturday possible and giving the scouts in KZN an opportunity to board and sail the “scout yacht”. I think for the scouts of 1st Port it can be an ambition for them to one day have the opportunity to crew Rotary Scout. Many of the 1st Port scouts are participating in basic training from Sail Africa Academy and Royal Durban Yacht Club.
Attached are a few pictures recording our trip.
Yours in Scouting
Garth Kloppenborg

Trevor Coxon (son of Neville Coxon who originally fitted out Rotary Scout) taken with the 52nd KZN Scout group