Day 5 – Settling in
We woke up to a 16 knot wind and a brilliant blue sea with a 1m swell. No one seemed to have much of the seasickness that had haunted us the day before.
Ash, Freddie, Sean and Uwe took a welcome salty dip off the back and the smell of Elizabeth Anne’s baby shampoo was a delight to Jane, who vowed that she too would venture out for a shower off the sugar scoop.
The shift watches were going well, with the crew presenting themselves timeously for their respective time at the helm. We are working 2 hour watches, giving us 6 hours rest in between. Two of us take the shift to do cooking and cleaning every day.
The day passed pleasantly with Peter taking time out to read his novels in the aft quarters.
We got news that Bolero, Regardless, and the UCT chaps are behind us and following a similar course so we were excited that our navigational choices seemed spot on to avoid the storms.
Supper was a feast of chicken fillet, pasta and a concoction of tomatoes, cabbage, onions and herbs that was devoured by the crew.
The night sky again greeted us with a dazzling display of stars and Jane was particularly pleased that she had managed to helm her entire night watch.