JML Rotary Scout – Rio Update 1: 7 January.
It sounds like most the fleet is still battling through very rough weather. Gosh, the crew are going to have some stories to tell
I just chatted to Toni Mainprize, Sailing Events Manager from RCYC. Shame, she had just popped home for breakfast – they’re all on duty pretty much 24/7 at the moment, at least until all the boats that have turned around are safely in port. She did confirm that JMLRS gave a position report yesterday. When she gets back to her PC she will give more info on how it was sent, by either sat phone, fleet broadband or HF radio. She said much of the fleet is battling with comms, maybe it’s the weather. The last time I had comms with Peter on the sat phone was about 11:00 yesterday morning, since then nada!
But the tracker shows where they are.
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